Engr Emma Emesiri

Engr Emma Ofuomanefe Emesiri studied at the Maritime Academy of Nigeria Oron to become sailor and was not employed directly by the NNSL although he sailed frequently in its vessels.
Interview of Engr Emesiri

Highlights of his Interview

His father was a soldier while mother was a teacher; native of Abi in Sapele, Delta State; schooled at Abi up to secondary school; employed after school as an air traffic control assistant, etc; studied at Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron; sea time aboard NNSL ships; inspiration for life at sea gained by seeing seamen at Sapele in the 1970s; did not want to live the casual sex life of sailors, so married early; Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) later sponsored him and some others during studies at Oron; sent to Egypt for certificate of competency (COC) exams; never worked for NNSL as a staff, only trained aboard NNSL ships; sailed to Liverpool in 1980; promoted all the time through the series of studies and sea time voyages; got employed at Africa Ocean Line (AOL) for one year; joined Brawal Shipping Line’s Mv. Ndoni River after AOL employment; rejoined NPA in 1991 and was sent to the Netherlands to oversee the construction and delivery of patrol boats; later transferred to Burutu Port upon return to Nigeria but left NPA because did not like the posting; joined Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line from 1996 to 2001 as a chief engineer; working condition with the Iranians; signed off regularly every nine months; base ports either Port Bandar Abbas or Port Khomeini; tense working relationship which Nigerian sailors faced with Ghanaian co-workers in the company; incident of false allegation by Iranian Port State Control about the pumping of bilge water into the sea and appearance before a magistrate as a result; type of ships sailed and cargoes carried in Iranian ships; Iranian attitude to African seafarers and how he handled it; food on board Iranian ships and how Nigerians fared; other activities and occupations engaged in aside from shipping practice, telecoms; engagement by a Nigerian tankership carrier doing coastwise trading; joined Phoenix Register of Shipping as a shipping surveyor in 2013; effect of sea life on his family and marriage; his philosophy of life gained as a seaman.

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